The silk painting of Eva Leopoldi

Silk paintings in the Leopoldi style

Original silk paintings by Eva Leopoldi are hardly available anymore. (See picture gallery below). But since the artist also “appropriates” her own works and has created and will create new adaptations, you can get digitally designed new contemporary versions of many original silk artworks. See below: Multiple appropriation Leopoldi-style.

Here you can get specific information, pricing and choices on your favourite images.


Silk originals still available:



Multiple appropriation in Leopoldi style:
Eva Leopoldi does not stop at her own paintings – she also alters her silk paintings in co-operation with Midjourney. In other words, she appropriates her own paintings and develops them further. For the artist, this is a consistent continuation of her concept of art, which categorises appropriation art as a highly interesting art movement.

Here is an example:


Camille from the book ‘Zusammen ist man weniger allein’, which refers to Otto Müller’s ‘Die Liegende’, now becomes ‘An artist’s break’. The image content is used again, but a new story is told. In the new story, depression is not the reason for the break on the sofa. Artists’ breaks are necessary and can also be enjoyed. An artist’s break is simply important for creativity.



Or would you prefer Leopoldi-style artistic photography?

As artistic photography occupies a very large space and the artist’s work is now mainly based on photography, the Galeriothek has now moved to its own internet domain. Everything to do with photography can be found on the new website:

