Corona gave me this idea. Since we weren’t allowed to travel, couldn’t go to events, couldn’t go on city trips and so the visual stimuli were limited to the surroundings, for me also a lot to the forest, I noticed when I watched films in the evening that I had much more intense visual experiences and could actually enjoy them. And then I just started watching films with my smartphone in my hand and when I noticed that the film showed colours, areas, people, scenes that captivated me, I started taking photos.
Looking through the screen of my phone sharpened my eye, for details, for movements, for fades. And since I didn’t want my photographic work to then be reduced to film stills, I either work with the ICM technique, the night mode, or put different photos together to create my own facts.
The deliberate gesture made playing with the possibilities much more exciting, because the longer shutter speed also meant that the result on the camera was not always what I originally wanted to capture. But the film keeps running – and I never stop a film because I want to capture the moment, just like in reality, and in life it is also not possible to rewind life.
And so I can tell my very own stories with these TV-pics, just as I do with other photos. Because it doesn’t matter which film these pictures come from, it’s my own personal moment that I capture, or that I discover and then digitally edit, and thus rework into my thoughts, my stories.
Photography from the field of #Narrative_TV-Pics
As I am still very fascinated by this kind of artistic photography, I have decided to document my development in these works over the years. I will publish catalogues regularly – here is catalogue “Narrative TV-Pics – Part One”- by the way, this catalogue is bilingual – English/German: